Wide awake in the epoch of Divine Love.

Danielle LaPorte
2 min readMay 7, 2021


If you can’t reveal your fear and darkness to the Divine, then where can it go to be healed?

Your Soul and Source are most urgently interested in your pain — like any parent with their child. “Let’s get this healed so you can go out and play.” I discovered this when I was crying in the desert for some mercy, through the healing power of friendship and taking a long pause in my ambitions.

Our pain brings us to Divine Love — the most inclusive, impeccable state of consciousness that there is. And if there was ever a time to lean into that transmutational power… it’s now.

Hello, epoch of Divine Love.

Here’s a roundup of my podcasts to encourage befriending ALL OF IT.

With Love, Danielle, Ep 19
Naked Prayer

How do you “give it over to God”? It starts with knowing this: your pain is what God is most urgently interested in — like any parent with their child. “Let’s get this healed so you can go out and play.” When we’re brave enough to bring our pain to the surface, The Divine can take it from there. LISTEN NOW.

With Love, Danielle, Ep 21
The principles of Flow. And how to ride it.

When we say, “We’re going with the flow,” what we’re really saying is that we’re riding The Creative Principle. The stuff of LIFE FORCE. When you’re in the flow, you’re constantly responding to the subtle cues that Life is giving you. TUNE IN.

Grace for Impact, Ep 1
Dying for Love

We’re in a quickening of consciousness. The conditions are set for rapid transformation — this is good news, possibly, maybe. I’m talking about why now is the best time to do shadow work, and how crisis can become our rebirth — if we choose it. And hey, it’s time to forgive. PRESS PLAY.

We’re primed like never before to see the reflections of Divine Love everywhere… because we’re more willing to see it in ourselves than ever before.

With Love,




Danielle LaPorte

Opinionated introvert often mistaken for an extrovert. I write about stuff I find in the cosmos…mostly Love. Author of The Desire Map, White Hot Truth + FSS.