Build strength
Build strength through: reflection.
Build strength through: joy.
Build strength through: stillness.
Build strength through: action.
Build strength through: cleansing.
Build strength through: laughter.
Build strength through: generosity.
Build strength through: asking for help.
Build strength through: blessing strangers.
Build strength through: nourishing your friends with attentiveness.
Build strength through: feeling very, very deeply.
Build strength by loving as you wish to be loved.
Build strength through: being incredibly gentle.
Build strength through: including.
Build strength through: putting yourself in their shoes.
Build strength through: forgiving.
Build strength through: honest prayer.
Build strength through: simplifying.
Build strength through: encouraging yourself and others.
Build strength through: dissolving worry with trust and then really trusting.
Build strength through: declaring your ideals.
Build strength through: sacred movement.
Build strength through: rest.
Build strength through: hydration.
Build strength through: telling the truth.
Build strength through: creating beauty everywhere you go.
Build strength through: leaving it better than you found it.
Build strength by being at ease with the Great Mystery.
Want this in a visual? Print out this mini poster (it’s free). Pin it by your desk, frame it on your dresser, or fold it into your planner.